I've decided it's about time to try and finish all my projects and so what better than a finish along with Katy. As I was compiling my list (which I'm ashamed to say is not totally comprehensive!) I realised that this is going to be very long, so please bear with me. There is no way I can finish all of these in one quarter but I'm hoping that just compiling the list will spur me on. Sooo:
1)Sparkle Punch Quilt
I can't even remember when I made this. The back is done, just needs quilting and binding
2)Quilt for Helena
Top is done, the back is half finished, then needs quilting and binding.
3)Lois's Quilt
These were my Bee block choice from FQR Kinky Bee 2012. All the blocks are done but need to be sewn together. I have bought the back ( extra wide botanics-lush!) , then will need quilting and binding.
4)Grace's Quilt
I made this quilt top for Harri's then girlfriend Grace, 4 years ago. She chose the colours. It's been languishing ever since. I decided to make it double sided and use mod mosaic blocks on the back. These are done, just needs the back finishing, then quilting and binding.
5) Star Bee Blocks
This Bee was a disaster. Four of the participants kept my fabric and didn't return it and a fifth participant sent the fabric back ( my month was March 2013!) So I have 14 blocks and need to make at least another 6 minimum before I can continue. I have bought the backing fabric, so just need to do it!
6)Disappearing Nine Patch Blocks
I have all the blocks for this one, but I'm not loving it, so going to the bottom of the pile and maybe destined eventually as a charity quilt. This is a shame as the colours are fab.
7)Random Stars Blocks
I started this eons ago and even joined the Lucky stars BOM 2013 and now 2014. I haven't made one of the BOM's . So I need to do a few more blocks and then we'll see.
8)Red and White Sampler Quilt
I'm not loving this one much either. It needs more blocks and then I'll see.
9)Madlen's Scrappy Trip Around the World
Blocks are all made for this one. I just need to sew them together. I've got the back , so just needs quilting and binding.
10)Siblings Together Quilt
Just need to quilt and bind this one before July
11) It's a Wonderful World.
The fabulous Bumbling Honey's made me some wonderful blocks for this quilt. I'm really loving this one, so working away at making a few more blocks before assembling it.
12) Kaffe Fassett Quilt
I foolishly decided to hand quilt this one. Once I've finished my hexagon stars ( see below) then I might get back to it.
13)EPP Hexagon Stars Quilt
This was started in March/April last year and is my retirement quilt. I have five full stars and two half stars to make, then sew them all together, quilt and bind. I already have the backing. I'm wanting to finish this by the end of March, but I have a lot of annual leave left ( and some skiing to do) so I'll see.
14)Economy Block Top
I have the backing for this one too, so just need to quilt and bind it.
15)Scrap Vomit for Lydia
Blocks all done, need sewing together, quilting and binding. I've got the back for this as well.
16) Oakshott Bolster
I started this last winter and had underestimated how much smaller it becomes when you use the lil' twister blocks. So it ended up too small. It needs quite a bit more adding before it will be big enough as a draught excluder for our French doors.
17) VW Cushion
A work colleague asked me to make this for charity. I've just got to make it into a cushion ( with binding).
18)Super Tote Bag
I 'made ' this QAYG fabric ages ago, just never got round to making the bag. Pattern is bought, just have to do it.
19)Lucien's Quilt
I have all the fabric bought for this quilt, including the back but have only made one block. Quite a lot to do then!
20) Oakshott Quilt
Again, I have all the fabric for this quilt top ( but not the back) but have only made one block. Not really any realistic prospect of getting any further in the immediate future.
I think that's the lot for now. I've realised that I need to do another post like this for knitting projects!!! Realistically, I'm hoping that I get numbers 13,14,16,17 and 18 done this quarter.
