I seem to be obsessed with circles at the moment but I've put in some alternative inspirations. There is also plenty of inspiration on my pinterest board and Flickr. I have enjoyed trying to find out more about my partner and thinking about what to make. It's a bit daunting however, as this is my first swap. Still, I've got plenty of time to prepare!
I've also arranged with Sue to take over her Amitie mystery BOM. I now have 3 envelopes of fabrics and patterns to be getting on with. It's going to be fabulous, but at the moment I just don't have the wherewithal to get started.
When I came back from holiday, Annelise had turned up trumps and sent me some more of the thread I was missing which she had bought for me in Houston. So I was able to finish my Red x and + quilt .
The picture really doesn't do it any justice because it is really beautiful ( if I do say so myself!)
There is however one dodgy block, which I still used because I really didn't want to make another one:
If I'm completely honest, I don't mind the lime green quarter bock, it saves it all from being too matchy, matchy. I quilted it in a very simplified version of one of Angela Walters pattern. The front is so busy, I didn't think it needed anything too fancy.
Quilt Stats
Size 76 x 85 inches
Front : x and + plus blocks made by FQR bumbling Honeys and myself using and fat quarter bundle of Oakshott Ruby reds , fabric scraps in reds, greys and aquas with low volume fabric for the background.
Quilt back in extra wide botanics in grey
Binding in Kona cotton Pomegranate
Quilted in Superior Threads Fantastico ( red on red) on top and white So fine on the back.
This will be my one and only finish of this quarter. My original Q4 list is here: http://therunninghar.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/fal-final-quarter.html
Linking up with Katy FAL 2014