The block I'd like my fellow bee'ers to make is the block from The Original Happy Quilting quilt a long : The tutorial is at the bottom of the page but is quite drawn out , so I will include a small tutorial here.
Included in your packet should be 20x 5inch squares and 1 plain 14inch square. Use 16 of the squares to make a 16 patch and put 4 squares to one side for now. I strongly recommend that you use a lot of starch at this point.
Then cut the 16 patch across in both directions diagonally ( quite hard as the hypotenuse is longer than my 24 inch ruler).
Next step is to rearrange the four quarter triangles to make 2 squares.
Sew these together and you should have 2 x 12 3/4 squares. The starch prevents the bias edges from stretching.
Set these aside for now, and cut your 14 inch square across both ways diagonally. In Melissa's tutorial she uses a 13 inch square but I found it to be too skimpy. Again, I would use lots of starch here!
Then take your 4 remaining 5inch squares and draw a line on the diagonal
Next pin your 5 inch square to the corner of each solid quarter triangle and sew along the marked line.
Repeat on all four corners and trim off excess fabric.
You will also have fabric to make 4 HST's

Arrange the 4 corners around one of the 12 3/4 blocks
Sew the corners to the block
Your finished block should measure 18 inches square ( 17.5 finished size).
I'd be grateful if you would send me the other 12 3/4 square when you return the block, so I can either make more blocks or use them for the back. I have some fabric left so I may be able to make another quilt for ST as well.
Happy sewing!