Sunday, 28 April 2013

Wonderful Weekend

I've just had the most wonderful weekend!  I travelled to London and stayed one night with my friend Lois and caught up on the gossip. Then, on Saturday I went here

to meet up with some of the other Kinky Bees. This was organised by the lovely Liz of Dandelion Daydreams who is as gorgeous and bubbly in real life as she is online. Quite a few of us turned up- Jo, Moira, Mary, Kate , Sue , Liz of course , Amy and Di ( who isn't a Kinky Bee but came along for fun anyway!). Then all of us, except Amy, went to the Village Haberdashery in Hampstead after we'd had a good getting to know you session in Liberty's café.

We also got to meet Annie and her new baby Harvey, her daughter Madelaine and Penny who happened to be serving in the shop. It was great to get to know everyone a little better. 
I also managed a visit to Tate Modern
for the Lichenstein exhibition . This was interesting because he was clearly a ground breaking artist but in the fantasy world where I could actually afford one of his paintings, I wouldn't actually particularly want one on my walls.
I also managed to go here

and managed to buy two paintings which I will reveal at a later date when I have unwrapped them. This was pure indulgence but  I justified my profligate behaviour on the basis that we've had to defer any holidays because of the roof situation, so obviously I could treat myself....

And then this evening I met my friend Jane at Usk Castle for a sculpture exhibition. Didn't much like the sculptures but the gardens are fabulous even though we viewed them in that very fine drizzle that doesn't seem like rain but you still end up very wet .

I hope that the Kinky Bees will meet up again soon, as I had a lot of fun, even though in Liz's photos on  her blog and flickr , I look like my mother- how did that happen?

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Spring at last

Thank goodness spring finally seems to be here at last. I've had a very productive weekend. First thing Saturday morning I finished a few more of my EPP hexagons.

Then Mr Hare and I walked up the Sugarloaf for the first time this year. It was a beautiful morning, frosty first thing then a glorious sunny day. As usual I dressed too warmly and had to gradually strip off!
This is a holiday cottage that we pass on our route up the mountain . It is one of my favourites.
That's Mr Hare in the distance ( I photographed this on the way down). We haven't done as much walking as I would like due to the frankly awful weather so far this year. We passed lots of sheep
And lots of wonderful views.

England in the distance. When we got back, I tidied up the greenhouse, something I had been meaning to do for some time. Normally, by now I would have lots of seeds planted , but this year it has been too cold. I know it's time to get going though because the weeds are beginning to grow, so the soil has obviously warmed up somewhat.
I managed to finish another block for one of my quilts
And today I made this flag for the banners  that are going to be displayed in Boston ( Liz Dandelion posted about this site
As you can see my impro letters leave a lot to be desired, but my next one will be better!.
And I've organised to stay with my friend Lois on Friday before I join the other Kinky Bee-ers on Saturday in London. .Just got to book my train tickets!